Design Thinking
and innovation
This course teaches how individuals can use creativity and design thinking skills to identify and choose opportunities that enable innovation.
PW Lab is a Training Center which aims at providing innovative and industry relevant courses. At PW Lab, we foster a culture of learning and incubation that enables talented youth to explore their creative and technical facets. Being a subsidiary of Panda & Wolf Holding, leader in the Innovation and Technology in Mauritius, PW Lab has strong Industry partnerships and relentlessly focuses its courses on 'learning by doing'.
Making games or conjuring up a mobile app is serious business, and here at PW Lab we know it! It’s a science on its own with many facets, which starts with an idea and ends only when the final interface is in play. Every good game or mobile app developer knows that creating software from scratch is a holistic process that involves understanding how to make something that your target audience will form a connection with, and ends only when the usable a playable game is ready.
PW Lab’s Foundation in Game Development is an introduction to the world of Games, Gaming and Gamification. The course covers every basic knowledge required to build a mobile game by covering an Introduction to Game Development (Coding), Game Assets Design and making a workable mobile game. PW Lab gives you the opportunity to do the course either on a full-time basis, which includes 60 sessions over three months or on a part-time basis with 60 sessions over six months.
At PW Lab we believe that the key to evolve is to innovate, thus our Tagline “Ad Altiorem Innovatio” meaning “Higher with Innovation”. We not only provide innovative courses but also projects and courseworks which are at the top of Technological Innovation. We fully understand the usual mismatch between traditional education and industry requirements and our main Goal and Vision is to bridge this gap.
The Game development course designed by PW Lab produces creative game developers using desktop and mobile platforms from game idea concepts to virtual reality. Students will be exposed to core areas of game development such as art and visual design, game designing and programming, game production and marketing through hands-on experience, creating work samples to showcase their talent and skills at the end of the programme.
PW Lab offers an introduction to the GameSalad engine, learn visual assets development such as character design, get familiar with the concept of game development like coding and debugging, as well as the opportunity to work on some core projects.
In partnership with Polytechnics Mauritius, PW Lab has created a smooth journey for students who want to further develop their skill sets in Game Development by pursuing their studies to a Diploma in Computer Science (Game Development) post completing the Foundation in Game Development. This provides the opportunity for students to get knowledge as well as the industry experience with PW Lab and also ensures that those willing to deepen their knowledge can do so.
As part of the Panda & Wolf Group of companies, we have strong tie-ups with industry partners. We make sure that every student at the PW Lab obtains an internship in a well reputed in Mauritius or directly with one of our subsidiaries.
This course teaches how individuals can use creativity and design thinking skills to identify and choose opportunities that enable innovation.
CIW trains students and professionals awarding professional IT certifications focusing on the foundational standards of Web design development.
Learn to identify and eliminate potentially hazardous conditions in the environment, recognize emergencies, and provide first aid care.
Become an Adobe certified expert with our training courses and master the different softwares like Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects and other Adobe softwares.